The successful author Erich Eckberg lives happily with his wife Sigrid in a luxurious country house on Lake Wolfgang. They have three children: 18-year-old Gabi and the twins Knut and Michael. While Knut sees things in either black or white, his brother Michael, who is studying music, is very emotional. On the twins' 21st birthday, their parents reveal to their children that they are not biological siblings. Gabi is from Sigrid's previous marriage to an Italian art teacher and the sons are from Erich's affair with an actress. The children's reactions to this news vary. Gabi takes everything as usual, very lightly and immediately adapts to the new situation. Knut, on the other hand, feels betrayed. He leaves his parents' house the very next morning. And Michael believes he is in love with his now no longer biological mother Sigrid. The harmony that had existed in the Eckberg household is at an end for the time being.