Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn, two inseparable friends, live in a small town on the Mississippi. While wandering around, they accidentally witness a murder committed by Injun Joe. However, Injun Potter blames the murder on the drunken coffin maker. Plagued by their dark secret, Tom and Huck flee to Jackson Island. - First episode of the four-part literary adaptation which takes us back to the world of Mark Twain. Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn, the inseparable friends, live in St. Petersburg, a small town on the Mississippi. Tom's life is dominated by unpopular school visits, fights, attempts to avoid the work that Aunt Polly gives him - and his first crush on his pretty school friend Becky Thatcher. During a wart conjuring in the cemetery, old coffin maker Potter, Injun Joe and the doctor Dr. Robinson to open the grave of Williams, who was buried the day before. An argument breaks out between the three men. Injun Joe stabs the doctor with Potter's knife and manages to convince the drunken Potter that he committed the murder. The boys don't dare talk about the murder. The terrible secret plagues Tom. When Becky turns Tom down, he is forced to turn to a criminal career and travels with Huck on a raft to Jackson Island at night. Actor