https://komud.dk/noerreaaen-kanotur-m... - Watch my film about the canoe trip on the Nørreåen, Denmark's calmest part of the Gudenå system. Experience the river's scenic meadows, historic banks and a quiet current that makes it ideal for both beginners and experienced paddlers. Get tips, practical advice, GPX tracks and accommodation options for your next canoe trip. The adventure starts here! Get much more information, tips and advice from the trip here, in my post: https://komud.dk/noerreaaen-kanotur-m... Enjoy Erik B. Jørgensen Related post Overview of my Micro-adventures and trips: https://komud.dk/oversigt-over-mikroe... Other canoe trips I have written about: https://komud.dk/ture-rejser/kano/ Other "Micro-adventures" https://komud.dk/kategorier/ture-rejs... Get started with outdoor activities How to get started with outdoor activities and overnight stays in the open air [Tips and advice] https://komud.dk/saadan-kommer-du-ig... Packing lists for outdoor trips, how to make your own [Tips and advice] https://komud.dk/pakkelister-til-fril... Plan your route for outdoor trips (hiking, cycling, winter trips) [Tips and advice] https://komud.dk/planlaeg-din-rute-ti... Music from soundstripe.com Midsummer Nights, Moments Winter Morning, Dario Benedetti Inspire, Shimmer Family, TAYME 8XT5G394D9HDWPNB NL28VMR5RBJTPACA UTLKO2KTCQIWVKJ2 9DOR9FINNEZJDBRB