NO WONDER IT'S SELLING, ONE PORTION IS ONLY 5 THOUSAND YOU CAN EAT YOURSELF FULL - PAK YAIS'S STALL Bu YAIS Padangan, Bojonegoro Provides a Menu of Pecel Rice & Lontong with Sambal Kecap Curry Soup, the most favorite. Open from 17.00 - 24.00 WIB. Prices start from 5000 Rupiah. Location Unnamed Road, Dusun Alastuwo, Banjarjo, Kec. Padangan, Bojonegoro Regency, East Java 62162 Google Maps https://maps.app.goo.gl/pD4x2SNv53iFX... Thank you to those of you who have watched and supported this channel, I say thank you very much. May you always be given health and smooth sustenance by GOD Amen 🤲🤲🤲 Work contact Endorsmend Admin: 085791969047 #culinary #bojonegoroculinary #ricepecel #lontongsayur #Lontongsambel #kangMasBogelChannel #PadanganCulinary #cepuculinary #indonesiaculinary #indonesianculinary #indonesianfood #nusantaraculinary #javaculinary #eastjavaculinary #legendaryculinary #traditionalculinary #Viral #ViralculinaryBojonegoro #WarungBuyais