Good morning, we are happy to meet you again! Friday brought snowfall, everyone was waiting for it. Morning shopping combined with an idea for dinner, what's new on the shelves? Today I invite you to a short shopping haul, I will show you what I buy and what works for me. Morning talk in the car, this time about diet, what is my best diet? Guaranteed effect, does it work for you too? Today we are trying the cake from our recording, the recipe is already on the GOTUJEMY channel. We invite you to watch! Every day at 6:00 PM NEW daily vlog! If you liked this video, be sure to let us know in the comment and leave a thumbs up ???? HOW TO MAKE HOMEMADE GINGERBREAD WITHOUT BAKING ???? • HOW TO MAKE HOMEMADE GINGERBREAD WITHOUT BAKING... WE ARE GETTING WEAKER AND WEAKER! Controversial topic! DAILY VLOG #482 ???? • WE ARE GETTING WEAKER! Controversial... #dailyvlog #dream #dailylife