Hypotonia in infants is a decrease in muscle tone. Muscle hypotonia is accompanied by deficits in psychomotor development and is usually a symptom of an underlying disorder. ???????? INFORMATION ABOUT HYPOTONIA: https://cefine.es/2021/02/hipotonia-m... ???? Online counseling service: https://cefine.es/teleasistencia/ ----------- FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL NETWORKS! Facebook: @cefineneuro - / cefineneuro Instagram: @cefine_salud - / cefine_salud Twitter: @centrocefine - / centrocefine Web: https://cefine.es CEFINE NEUROLOGY: We provide individualized assistance to people affected by any pathology at the brain and spinal cord level. We work with the latest techniques aimed at the development of conditions such as spinal cord injuries, head trauma, cerebral infarction (stroke or CVA), cerebral palsy and other neurodevelopmental disorders. We master the technology that allows the best tools for neurological recovery and rehabilitation.