Hello girls! I hope you are all doing well, I am speaking directly to you because this topic is mostly a matter of concern to us and it is a topic that does not seem to have much information or support. When I got pregnant many people asked me “but Oliver is still breastfeeding? Are you going to wean him now because you can’t breastfeed during pregnancy, right?” Well, first of all, I have to say that NO, it is not dangerous for the mother, the foetus or the older child, in fact, you can continue breastfeeding throughout the pregnancy and once the baby is born, continue breastfeeding both, but I did not want to do that and I am going to tell you about the weaning process for Oliver. Did you feel judged for your decision to wean or continue breastfeeding after certain months? Has anyone weaned during pregnancy? Subscribe to my channel so you don’t miss any of my videos! #breastfeeding #weaning #respectfulweaning #progressiveweaning #motherhood #pregnancy3 #rainbowbaby #realmotherhood