Hi girls, It took me a long time to be able to talk about this, every time I wanted to I couldn’t. These have been some very nice, wonderful months but also very hard for me. I never thought my experience would be like this, no one ever told me about all the changes that can happen mentally. I am also aware that this is not the reality for many mothers, and that makes me happy because I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy. Things get better, but we also have to ask for help, and although I know you are doing the best you can, I know you can continue with this. I know you feel like you are alone, but no! You are not crazy, and neither will your family be better off without you!!! We need you here, your baby, your family needs you! Here are some sites where you can read and go for help! YOU ARE DOING WELL What is postpartum depression, what can it cause, how can you get help? https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/publi... Contact the National Maternal Mental Health Helpline 1-833-TLC-MAMA (1-833-852-6262) 24/7 English and Spanish speaking counselors available. SPONSOR OF THIS VIDEO META METAL PRINTS https://www.metametalprints.com discount code: OHHMYFIO30 ✨MY SOCIAL NETWORKS✨ 🖤TIKTOK: /ohhmyfio 🖤INSTAGRAM: /ohhmyfio 🖤FACEBOOK: /ohhmyfioyoutub. . 🖤TWITTER: /ohhmyfio1 📩CONTACT: [email protected]