24 players. 6 moles. Who will be the traitors? Who will be the moles? Will the crazy love linking these team men be stronger than betrayal? The rules: Same condition as KTP: 1500x1500 map, hardcore, life regeneration only via golden apple After 50 minutes (middle of episode 3) a mole is randomly chosen from each team and only he knows it. His goal is to trigger discord at the right time to make his new team composed of 3 moles win. The moles have an internet chat to chat with each other. Each mole has a random kit (see intro for the list of kits). Level II potions are banned, NEW: The crafts of pants, helmet, boots, diamond sword are disabled, Friendly fire is enabled, The Mumble plugin is active. List of team participants: Team Bleu Ciel: Newtiteuf: / newtiteufprod Roi_Louis: / roilouismc Unster: / unsterbliicher Aurelien: / aureliensama Team Fushia: Nems: / nemsworld Skyyart: / skyyartetchelxie Frigiel: / frigiel Daweed: / misterdaweedgaming Team Jaune: ZeratoR: / zeratorsc2 Fukano: / fuuukano MrBboy45: / mrbboy45 Jiraiya: / xarietjiji Dark Funeral : / darkfuneral97two Loupio : / loupio66 Don't hesitate to go see the points of view of other players on their channels! -------------------------------------------------------------------- Intro by Miniature by the Kid : / thek33d221 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Original concept by reddit minecraft : / bergasms_presents_the_mole_version_2 MOLE GUN 04 EP01 - THE GENIES ARE BACK!