Learn about the Sniper de Questões method: https://www.sniperdequestoes.com.br/ 0:00 2 boxes: Control and no control 1:16 Thought analysis 2:17 Dealing with worry 2:55 How to accept what is out of control 6:07 Change of mindset 7:14 Physical exercise 7:40 Wim Hof 8:25 Worry time 10:18 Therapy 10:42 Writing thoughts with stream of consciousness 11:36 Path of self-knowledge 12:16 Catastrophic thoughts 13:10 until the next one #sniperdequestoes #enem __________________ The Sniper de Questões is a proven method, which approves the most competitive colleges in Brazil. Start 2023 with the Sniper de Questões method! https://www.sniperdequestoes.com.br/ _______________________________________ Blog: https://www.resumov.com.br/ Instagram: / susaneribeiro Course https://www.sniperdequestoes.com.br/