It is not uncommon for students to become frustrated when they do not get good grades even after studying hard for a test. There are also those who feel that they quickly forget what they learned just a few weeks before. These are particularly challenging for students who have just arrived at university, who are faced with much more extensive and complex content than they did at school and often have to balance studying with work. In this video, our reporter Paula Adamo Idoeta explains why common techniques for studying for tests are considered ineffective by scientists – and how to replace them in practice. To do this, she draws on the conversation and work of Matthew Bernacki, associate professor at the School of Education at the University of North Carolina (UNC) at Chapel Hill (USA). Bernacki is dedicated to the science of learning, which in practice translates into helping students get the most out of the time and effort invested in studying. Watch and see for yourself. Text report: https://www.bbc.com/portuguese/geral-... Our other video on the subject, which we mentioned at 2:08 • 3 techniques recommended by scientists for... Did you like it? Subscribe to the BBC News Brasil channel! And if you want to read more news, click here: https://www.bbcbrasil.com #bbcnewsbrasil #education #science