🟢 LEARN EXCEL WITH ME IN THE COMPLETE EXCEL COURSE WITH CERTIFICATE: http://excelentejoao.com.br/sejaexcel... In this free Excel video lesson, we will learn How to Create an Automatic Form in Excel to Register Information in the Spreadsheet. We will use several important tools in Excel. We will learn how to enable the Develop Tab in Excel to use two tools, record macros or create automations with macros to automate tasks, and the form control tool radio button. We will also learn how to create a list of options in Excel, a list of items, an option box, a drop-down list. And how to create an interactive button that, whenever we click it, Excel runs or compiles the automation, the macro. The button is created with shapes, figures, icons or images, and then we add the link to the macro, and every time you click on the button it performs an action. Interactive button. We will not need to learn how to use VBA in Excel or Visual Basic for Applications in Excel to solve this example in the lesson. Using forms in Excel, or Forms, offers several advantages. Forms simplify the process of entering and managing data in an Excel spreadsheet, making it more efficient and less prone to errors. 1. Ease of data entry: Forms provide a more user-friendly and structured way to enter data into a spreadsheet, which can be useful when there are many fields to fill in. 2. Data validation: You can set rules and constraints on forms to ensure that the data entered is correct and within the desired parameters. 3. Error reduction: Because forms guide users through the data entry process, there is less chance of errors compared to directly entering data into the spreadsheet. 4. Standardization: Forms help standardize the format of data, ensuring consistency across the spreadsheet. 5. Security: Depending on the settings, forms can help protect the integrity of data by preventing unauthorized changes. 6. Ease of use: Forms can be more intuitive for users who are not familiar with Excel, making it easier for them to enter and view data. #ExcellentJoão #Excel #Dashboard