Until 2014, Slovakia only had experience with political presidents. Michal Kováč was the nominee of HZDS, Schuster of his party SOP and Ivan Gašparovič ran both times with the support of Smer. Civic candidates ran in all elections, but they never had even a theoretical chance. All that changed when Andrej Kiska - a non-politician, entrepreneur and philanthropist who founded the Good Angel - became president. However, no one could have imagined that it was Andrej Kiska who would be the first legally convicted president of the Slovak Republic. This is another podcast mini-series of SME Presidents. The fourth episode is about President Andrej Kiska. Sound sources: Youtube/Andrej Kiska, Youtube/Braňo Závodský Naživo, Youtube/TEDx Talks, Quatro, Dobrý Anjel, TV JOJ, TA3, TV Markíza, STVR, SME, Youtube/Aliancia Fair-play, Aktuality.sk, Youtube/Netky .sk, Denník N, Hospodárske noviny, Postoj, Youtube/Smer-SD, Korzár. Production: Zuzana Kovačič Hanzelová, Marek Franko, Jana Maťková - You can find Good morning every weekday also in the SME application: http://onelink.to/j4vrzy on the SME.sk website: https://domov.sme.sk/t /4104/dobre-ran... Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2slCyrl... Apple podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/sk/podcast... RSS: https: //anchor.fm/s/8a651488/podcast/rss You can support the creation of podcasts by purchasing a SME.sk digital subscription at https://www.sme.sk/predplatne #denniksme #dobrerano #prezidenti