⭐️ The best offers for running courses from Simple Run for our subscribers - https://simplerun.ru/ytpromo “Cadence”, perhaps you have never heard such a word. You will not find its definition in Russian Wikipedia. It will offer you the definition “Cadence”, which is used by musicians. Meanwhile, for a runner, the concept of “Cadence” is key. And yes, it is associated with music. If you used to run with music, then from today you will run to music. Although, of course, it is better to run to a march, since it is distinguished by a clear rhythm and strict measured tempo. March as a musical genre; developed in instrumental music due to the need to synchronize the movement of a large number of people: the movement of troops in formation, ceremonial and festive processions [1]. What is cadence Cadence in running is the number of steps a runner takes per minute. Why is this an important indicator? Firstly, the running speed depends on it. If the stride length is constant, then the more steps you take per minute, the faster you run. Secondly, the economy of running depends on the cadence - this is now the key point that athletes are working on - short insertion Patrick Lange: The higher the cadence, the less stress on our joints: We should not jump, but "roll" along the surface. If you run at a low cadence, then this happens due to long strides. When I thought about the example, at first I thought of high jumps to illustrate running at a low cadence. Otherwise, you do not run, but walk. With long strides and a low cadence, you dig your heel into the surface, dampening energy, instead of directing it forward. It turns out that you overload your joints in order to dampen your speed. We spend more strength, we spend more energy. A beginner's mistake is a low cadence. He doesn't know about it, he only knows about long strides. And he doesn't run, he jumps, he flies. But the less time you spend in the flight phase, the less impact force. By increasing the number of steps, you reduce impact loads. Cadence determines the efficiency of your running - how much energy (effort) you spend. And the simplest and most accessible way to make running more economical is to monitor your step frequency. Let's make a reservation that this is not the only way - there is also posture, arm work. The best advice for amateur runners is not to think about the length of the running stride, but to focus on increasing the step frequency. This is the most correct way to improve results. We will talk about how to measure your cadence and then adjust it at the end. And now let's find out if there is an optimal cadence. Optimal cadence Let's look at the best runners. One of these components practically does not change for them. This is the step frequency. All elite runners usually run with a high step frequency, about 180-200 per minute. To run faster or slower, they simply change the stride length at the same cadence. Those who are more prepared run with a longer stride, but the cadence remains unchanged, high. For those who are into running, the name Jack Daniels is associated more with the famous coach than with whiskey. If you are not familiar with him and speak English, watch an interview with him. I will give a link to a playlist with his lectures in the description. In the world of running, he is Albert Einstein. In 1984, at the Olympic Games, he noticed that most marathon runners take 180 steps per minute. How to adjust your cadence Try measuring your cadence. Set the timer to 30 "and count the number of steps. When the timer sounds, multiply the resulting value by 2. If you want to do this right now, set the timer to 5" and run down the hall at your usual pace. Multiply the number of steps by 12. The result will not be as accurate as with 30”, but you will understand your approximate cadence right now. Write it in the comments. How to set your cadence? There are two ways: a metronome and music. I would recommend a metronome //large picture of a phone with a metronome app// because... Find a playlist with the query 180 bpm. Try to run to the rhythm. Compare the speed of 1 km during a run with your usual slow run and with music 180 bpm. Write your feelings and the results of the run in the comments. At first, it will seem that you are artificially speeding up (do not be shy!!!), the pulse will most likely increase. I had this during the first two weeks. You just need to continue to do exactly this, train your body and form the skill of this kind of running.