The game Metro Exodus Sam's Story was completed, recorded and edited into a GAME FILM by the author of the channel - BFGames. A full-length GAME FILM of the second addition to the game Metro Exodus / Metro Exodus * called - Sam's Story *. The video consists of game cutscenes, bright gameplay moments and dialogues of the main storyline. Enjoy watching. "Sam's Story" is the second and last official addition to the game Metro Exodus. On May 15, 2019, the first information about the add-on was published on the official website of the game. The only trailer was shown on February 11, 2020. The release of the add-on took place on the same day. #MetroExodusnocomments #MetroExoduswalkthrough #MetroExodusGameMovie #MetroExodusPC #MetroExodusGameMovie #thestoryofsam PC specifications BFGames (outdated 03/01/2020 - collected new ones) Motherboard ASRock Z68 Pro3 Processor Intel Core i7-3770 16 Gb RAM Hyper X fury 1866 MHz Video card GTX 970 4Gb