Mamavlog : Adamek and I ..we are a team. Even so little he helps me walk Tristan and he really enjoys it..how is he doing? I went to Aldi again unplanned and again it was not the right choice???????????? ????HELLO AND WELCOME TO MY IRISH LIFE CHANNEL,,???? it was created based on the fact that I have been living in Ireland for over 11 years and I wanted to share my experiences from this country. As time went on, another member was added to our mini family, which included me, my friend Paul who is Irish and our crazy Yorkie Tristánka???? ????20.04.2017 our beloved Adamek ???? was born to us, whom I came to give birth to in the Czech Republic From the moment I found out that we were expecting a baby, I realized that things would fundamentally change. Somehow automatically, I started documenting my pregnancy, which, due to my boyfriend's work, I experienced alone from the 3rd month until the birth, when he flew to the Czech Republic to meet me, where in the meantime I moved with a baby in my belly ???????????? 7 months after the birth of Adamka, I she returned to Ireland again, where we created our Czech - Irish family ???????????? At the moment, my videos are mainly focused on our newly acquired family living in Ireland, but if if you have any questions not only about Ireland, feel free to ask and I will be happy to answer.???????? Our Facebook: / katkamyirishlife Our Instagram: / katka_my_irish_life Music: Little Bo Peep - Our music box When tha Saints go marching - Our music box #Mamavlog