The MacBook Pro 14 is the best laptop on the market, and there are only two reasons not to buy it. Well, maybe three. ⭐️ The Technology Channel is partnered with the Opera browser ⭐️ ???? Download Opera One: https://opr.as/mw4 ???? Download Opera GX: https://operagx.gg/ifuo Dawid Kosiński & Marcin Połowianiuk & Łukasz Kotkowski ❤️ Technology Channel: / @kanalotechnologii ???? Home Channel: / @kanalodomu ???? Technology podcast: linktr.ee/kanalotechnologii Chapters: 00:00 The best laptop you can buy 02:07 Why MacBook Pro 14? 05:28 Matte vs glossy screen 08:26 Performance 12:46 Cons 15:41 Summary What gear does Łukasz use? ????Google Pixel 9 Pro ????️ Philips Evnia 32M2N8900 ???? PCMR ???? Dreame L10S Ultra #macbookpro #apple #applem4