Aynur Haşhaş reinterpreted her most loved folk song, Fill the tavern keeper, which has reached more than 30 million views on Youtube, on Yıldız TV. Fill the tavern keeper, fill it up again. I borrowed five liras, I am broke, bring the full one, gal the empty one. I am a morning person, I am from here. To Subscribe: https://goo.gl/RAfPxT Instagram: https://goo.gl/kWaBJX Facebook: https://goo.gl/FXiKQM Twitter: https://goo.gl/YY6ffe I Tunes: https://goo.gl/kXBnuC Spotify: https://goo.gl/NSVtba Deezer: https://goo.gl/DvaFY4 Muud: https://goo.gl/1QN1Pp Fizy: https://goo.gl/ugmVq1