Lulu Film - Mai Omar The series tells the story of a famous singer and her journey from the beginning until she reached the top and the struggles and problems she went through on both the professional and personal levels. Starring: Mai Omar, Ahmed Zaher, Naglaa Badr, Mohamed El-Sharnouby, Nermin El-Feki, Edward and Malak Ahmed Zaher. Written by Mohamed Mahran Directed by Mohamed Abdel Salam #Lulu #Mai_Omar Production: #Synergy Tamer Morsi Watch clips from the series #Lulu: http://bit.ly/3hk5RNU Subscribe to the official channel: http://bit.ly/Synergyofficial Follow Synergy on Twitter / synergytamer Facebook / synergytamer.m Instagram / synergy.tamermursi Tiktok / synergy.tamermurs