So, my dear friends, we have come to the most difficult stage of our technology - this is the MAIN FERMENTATION. It is very difficult to describe the complexity, versatility and decisive role of this process in a regular description of a YouTube lecture. And it was even more difficult to do this in a 20-minute lecture ???? But we will begin! Today, as part of our series of lectures, we will consider this process from the point of view of the main stages and parameters. And then, we will analyze all the nuances and pitfalls that this magical process, such as fermentation of beer wort, conceals. Well, today, we will start with the basics of the process. Enjoy watching ???? Telegram https://t.me/AZBschool Instagram * https://www.instagram.com/annzelenkov... School https://azbrewingschool.ru www.azbrewingschool.com * Meta - recognized as an extremist organization in the territory of the Russian Federation