Friends are something to keep under lock and key and in your heart... But what about toxic and fake friendships? Do we just walk away? Do we throw the seven keys in the person's face? Or do we pick up and throw a wig? Let's talk about this today! And if there's anyone who's going to TALK about it, it's her: Barbit! The participant and finalist of the Bloggers' Race Year 5 came sharp and ready to deliver on the wig dynamic and talk about some controversial names. Which celebrities will be on the list? Will we have names of participants from her edition? 👀 Within the theme, we'll talk about the signs of a fake friendship, how to identify that that person isn't so true to you, how to deal with these toxic human beings and hear testimonials from those who have experienced or are currently experiencing this. Follow grandma because today's episode is going to be AWESOME! Lorelive, every Wednesday, at 8pm, on DiaTV and on the channel @lorelayfox DiaTV, the first TV made by content creators, live NOW: • DiaTV - LIVE 24 HOURS A DAY A Production @DiaTV 💖 BE A SUPPORTER: https://apoia.se/lorelay_fox LISTEN TO MY PODCAST: https://linktr.ee/podcastparatudo FOLLOW: Insta + Twitter @LORELAY_FOX WATCH MORE: TERROR CASES: https://tinyurl.com/yckr9b5s HATE OF THE MONTH: https://tinyurl.com/2p9bc2s6 CONSPIRACY THEORIES: https://tinyurl.com/4sucw7pf UNCONSCIOUS ADVICE: https://tinyurl.com/2s3kpnnw HIV and AIDS: https://goo.gl/Y5zbcw Lorelay Fox has been a DragQueen for over 18 years and is on YouTube to spread messages of acceptance and empathy, as well as advice on artistic makeup and talking about life! Currently, in addition to YouTube, she hosts the Podcast Para Tudo, available on the main streaming services! With Love, Lorelay Fox…