Pruning lemon trees, citrus trees, and citrus fruit trees, and raising branches, coordinating the general shape of the tree, balancing the vegetative and fruiting growth of the tree, and important information on how to care for, fertilize, water, flowering, and fruit set. In general, pruning aims to regulate the growth of trees and shrubs in order to: Improve the aesthetic appearance of the tree, as is the case with garden trees and hedge plants. Regulate the load, as pruning reduces vegetative growth in order to balance it with floral growth and increase the load. This type of pruning reduces the phenomenon of floating. Removing damaged or dead branches and twigs. Strengthening the weak tree and rejuvenating it. Helping to overcome disease and pest infestation by removing infected or dead parts. Distributing the fruiting surface on the tree evenly, so that the fruits do not burden some trunks and expose them to breakage while other branches are free of them. Controlling the amount of both vegetative and fruit growth so that neither of them overwhelms the other, which is an aspect of great importance for the energy of the trees and their continued fruiting and fruit quality. Obtaining high-quality fruits in terms of size, color and taste. Pruning is done by removing parts of the tree at a specific time of the year to achieve special pruning purposes. Pruning fruit trees usually begins immediately after the plant enters the dormant phase, and the pruning process can continue until the beginning of spring. #Pruning_citrus_trees #How_to_prune_a_lemon_tree #Pruning_citrus