What is this Electric Field? Why are the lines of force of the Electric Field generated by a positive source drawn AWAY from the source? Why? Why can't all Electric forces be calculated by Coulomb's Law? How do you calculate the electric field between the plates of a capacitor? How much is the force of attraction between the plates of a capacitor? How can you almost mentally locate the magic point where ER = 0? Work and Energy in the Electric Field. When a particle moves spontaneously, does its Epot increase or decrease? And what about its kinetics? And does the electric force perform positive or negative work? Do you really know this? What is electrical bond energy? How do you calculate the Electric Epot of a pair of charges? Watch these 13 videos below and become an expert in electrostatics! :D TO WATCH THE OTHER 50 ELECTROSTATICS VIDEOS, IT'S WORTH SIGNING UP FOR THE COMPLETE ONLINE PHYSICS COURSE =) To learn all about Physics with him, check out his complete online course by accessing: /fisicacomrenatobrito #enem, #fuvest #afa #efomm #espcex