Use and enjoy everything that is free ↓ Discord: / discord (My server) / discord (Gang Members' Server) ➣ Sources -Stephen Krashen on Comprehensible Input: • Stephen Krashen: Language Acquisition... -The legendary Ajatt Khatzumoto, King of Mastering ( • All Japanese All the Time pt. 1 ) -Special Thanks for Trenton ( • Learning Japanese Isn't Actually That... ) ➣ Anki Immersion Kit: https://www.immersionkit.com/dictionary Jpdb: https://jpdb.io/ Pre-Made Decks: https://ankiweb.net/shared/decks Anki Connect Addon: https://ankiweb.net/account/login IAGO(can become paid) subtitles https://app.getiago.com/list/core-2k ➣ Intonation and Voice Perception Test: https://kotu.io/tests/pitchAccent/min... Dogen's Public Playlist: • Japanese Pitch-Accent in 10 Minutes /... Kaname Naito Video: • Basics of Japanese Pitch Accent ➣ Listening Podcast Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/... Condensed Audio Catalog: https://condensedaudiocatalog.com/# ➣ Jisho Dictionary: https://jisho.org/ Weglio: https://www.weblio.jp/ ➣ Popup Dictionary Yomichan (might be outdated soon): https://foosoft.net/projects/yomichan/ Yomitan: https://chromewebstore.google.com/det... 10+ Dictionaries: https://www.mediafire.com/file/o3b6jt... Pitch Accent Dictionary: https://www.mediafire.com/file/br15w2... ➣ Tae Kim Grammars: https://www.guidetojapanese.org/gramm... Cure Dolly :/ @organicjapanesewithcuredol49 ➣ Ttsu e-reader readings: https://reader.ttsu.app/manage Japanese ebooks: https://itazuraneko.org/ Good content is ad-free content.