Report of an immigrant who arrived in the United States 4 months ago, things are not easy, he is not working every day, he still does not have a steady job, with many bills in Brazil, he came alone to USA with a hope of giving a quality of life to the family he left in Brazil, but life is not easy, he reports that USA is not all that he thought it would be when he was in Brazil, has purchasing power, and earns more than in Brazil, but it is also not easy to take the first steps, he arrived with little money, had troubles at the beginning, but had help from a friend, upon his arrival, and today continues on his path to a better future, this video serves as an example, make a plan before coming to the United States, don't come just any way, because life out here is not easy, and everything is a plan that will influence your day to day! If you liked this video, leave a like and a comment and subscribe to the channel for more information. Thank you very much for watching this video. My social networks are here in the subscription! 🛑 Channel link: Become a member here in the description / @escolaparaimigrantes9105 🛑 Follow me on my Instagram! https://instagram.com/escola_para_imi... Digital bank for Brazilians abroad Link below!!! https://wise.com/invite/ihpc/flavianop11