Learn how to use a floor leveler correctly Learn how to use a floor leveler correctly We are using the installation technique from the Tiler course to install the large-format premium rectified ceramic Arcade from @grupocedasa. Is a floor leveler a good tool? Be careful, there is a lot of false information being posted, but there is no arguing with facts, right? So check out the proof that a floor leveler in the hands of a professional does not leave a hollow or bumpy piece. A floor leveler is a professional tool that should be used by professionals. Take our online tiler course for just R$99.50, a one-time payment and a lifetime course, and learn all the exclusive work techniques of my team and accelerate your career. Don't waste time and access the link below: http://www.oazulejista.com.br If you are interested in the course, then talk to me in the WhatsApp Group 17992614002 #floorleveler #tilecourse #franzrezende #tile #oazulejist