[02X72] We continue with great meetings from the neighboring country. This time, at the JC house, we welcomed MAWZ directly from space, who shared with us how he started in freestyle, we reviewed some epic battle bars and talked about the success of his musical career. Thanks @litkillah, whenever you want, we can have another piscolita. ORIGINAL IDEA & DIRECTION: Ignacio Ríos / estenacho Matías Arias / matixaviier Bastián Ríos / 3skribano Diego Sarmiento / dejatedebro . . José González / jm.gon PRODUCTION: Maximiliano Vergara / johnny_susu . . Nathalie Maldonado / nati.rulo Oscar Boetto / oscarb85 CHILEAN LANGUAGE INTERPRETER: Maca Nieto / gindriin CAMERAMEN: Nicolás Silva / nicormt Christopher González / lvanraw Pablo González / migravisual LIGHTING: Sebastián Prado / sebastrian__ LIGHTING ASSISTANT: Miguel Prado / miguel.prad. . LIVE SOUND: Jorge Maulen / maulen.__ VIDEO POST PRODUCTION: Nicolás Silva / nicormt COLOR: Nicolás Silva / nicormt POST AUDIO PRODUCTION: Jorge Maulen / maulen.__ INTRO CHAPTER: Lorenzo Orellana / lorenzuaj