A small comparison between the new released sample sets from the organ of the Evangelisch Lutherse Kerk, Den Haag, by Sonus Paradisi (SP) (for Hauptwerk), and Sweelinq (SQ), using some short fragments. Everything was played twice (I did not use midi files). Both sets were used out of the box. Settings HW Diffuse 64 Rear 64 Settings SQ Front/Rear 50/50 Both sets wind model and detuning default values. 0:00 F. Mendelssohn Bartholdy - Sonata 6 (Choral) SP 0:41 F. Mendelssohn Bartholdy - Sonata 6 (Choral) SQ 1:23 F. Mendelssohn Bartholdy - Sonata 2 - 2 SP 2:07 F. Mendelssohn Bartholdy - Sonata 2 - 2 SQ 3:05 F. Mendelssohn Bartholdy - Sonata 2 - 3 SP 3:54 F. Mendelssohn Bartholdy - Sonata 2 - 3 SQ 4:42 APFr. Boëly - I immediately left you SP 5:18 APFr. Boëly - I immediately left you SQ 5:56 Bach - Vivaldi - Concerto a moll SP 6:34 Bach - Vivaldi - Concerto a moll SQ 7:11 Veni Creator Spiritus SP 7:34 Veni Creator Spiritus SQ 7:59 GT Thalben -Ball - Elegy SP 8:56 GT Thalben-Ball - Elegy SQ 9:52 What God does is well done SP 10:37 What God does is well done SQ 11:20 S. Karg Elert - Now thank all God SP 11: 55 S. Karg Elert - Now thank all God SQ 12:28 Feike Asma - Fantasie over de avondzang (part 1) SP 13:13 Feike Asma - Fantasie over de avondzang (part 1) SQ 14:02 Feike Asma - Fantasie over de evening meal (part 2) SP 14:42 Feike Asma - Fantasy over de avondzang (part 2) SQ More info: https://www.ronaldijmker.nl https://www.sonusparadisi.cz https://www.sweelinq.com Background photo: Jan Willem van Braak https://vanbraakfotografie.nl