Kika read my comment and posted the Salminho party! AMEN! Guys, the youngest is already FIVE YEARS OLD, what do you mean, guys? Well, let's analyze this children's event. When the Kardashians keep a low profile, without posting the fun of their children's parties, it makes me so angry! Ohhh, are they trying to get in my way here? But, fortunately, Kim Kardashian shared the cake and other little things from her favorite son. Why? Watch the video and find out, Crystals. Take the opportunity to comment on what you liked or what you thought was horrible about this party! contact for gifts, publis, jobs and everything else: [email protected] my fragrant scents available at: https://www.namearomas.com.br/colecao... ???? remind me of the promised videos here at this link: http://bit.ly/promessasmoreru ✨ instagram, twitter and tiktok: @brenomoreru ✨ ???? to become an enzo and valentina ~CRISTAL PREMIUM~ you can subscribe to moreruflix and have access to a lot of emoji, medals, telegram group, choose videos of the month and highlighted comments on the videos, just click here: / @brenomoreru ???? there is also a podcast, 3 amigas and 1 traveling podcast: https://open.spotify.com/show/4uzywTW... #kimkardashian #psalmwest #analise