The original author: I can't be satisfied by someone's words • [Hatsune Miku] My Boyfriend Jude [syudou] Mix: Sonoi https://x.com/_Sonoi Illustration: Sebone Long https://x.com/sebonelong Movie: Suika https://x.com/Su1c4_mv Vocals: Kanae @kanae Akina Saegusa @saegusaakina Leos Vincent @leosvincent #SeventhDimensionStudentCouncil #ITriedSinging #MyBoyfriendJude ------------------------ ????3rd year Student Council President: Kanae @Kanae Vice President: Higuchi Kaede @HiguchiKaede ????2nd year Public Relations: Akina Saegusa @SaegusaAkina Secretary: Sengawa Midori @Ryushen ????1st year Treasurer: Leos Vincent @LeosVincent Miscellaneous tasks: Suo Sango @SuoSango ------------------------ *If you are a minor, please also read the notes at the link below. https://www.anycolor.co.jp/notice-for...