Hey! I hope you are well? Just in case: during the inflammatory reaction, adaptive immunity is activated when the virus is not eliminated by innate immunity. 0:00 intro 0:30 innate and adaptive immune system 0:42 What is innate immunity (non-specific, natural, or naive)? 0:56 Characteristics of innate immunity (immune or immunological memory) 1:15 Barriers or lines of defense of innate immunity (anatomical superficial; internal or deep) 2:15 PRR receptors (innate immunity receptors) 2:33 What is adaptive immunity (specific, acquired)? 2:50 Characteristics of adaptive immunity 3:11 cellular and humoral immunity 5:01 What is the complement system? 5:25 Example of the influenza virus in the lungs. 7:51 Let's recap.