The origin of autoimmune disease remains poorly understood... Medicine still has mysteries to solve! A combination of several environmental, hormonal, genetic, drug, infectious and psychological factors is highly probable. The respective responsibility of each factor in the occurrence of an autoimmune disease is not known and will depend on the type of underlying autoimmune disease. SUBSCRIBE to follow the next videos and activate notifications to be alerted when a new video is released: / @docteurestelle My name is Estelle, I am a Doctor of Medicine, specialized in rheumatology, the medical specialty that studies diseases of the bones, muscles, tendons and joints! I am also present on social networks: Facebook: / docteurestelle Instagram: / docteurestelle TikTok: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMNfPd63j/ I remind you that this is a medical information channel and not a teleconsultation platform. We meet EVERY MONDAY, see you soon!