✅ Corrected BAC exercise - sound intensity level and interference In this excerpt from the BAC SI 2021 (Metropole) in physics chemistry, we are asked to study how to listen to music in peace. First, we will see the geometric attenuation method before studying interference with noise-canceling headphones. Many topics are covered through the different questions: sound intensity level sound level geometric attenuation constructive interference destructive interference You can download the topic and the paper correction for free on the Labolycée website at the following address: https://www.labolycee.org/de-la-musiq... ___________________________________________________________________________ Find us: 🌐 https://eprofs.fr 🐦Twitter: / e_profs 📷 Instagram: / e_profs_physique_chimie Facebook: / e-profs-467482426970398 Tiktok: / eprofs