A guide to happiness – that is what most people want. But how do you get there? What do you have to do to achieve it? In his poem “Archaic Torso of Apollo”, Rainer Maria Rilke, after looking at the figure of a headless Apollo, ultimately comes to the conclusion that he must change his life. The work of art touched him deeply. In life, we often come across works of art – novels, songs, encounters with people, experiences – that profoundly change our view of reality and give us a new inner drive. In a certain sense, we give up control. Control over what can touch us and therefore hurt us and what cannot. This is the only way for people to grow and mature. There are also encounters like this with God that change us. The more and more intensively a person engages with Him - through the word of God and the sacraments - and opens himself up and allows himself to be touched, the more God himself can find a way into the mind and heart and transform the person so that everyone can learn to live from the mystery of His presence, to sense and recognize Him more and more. The Sermon on the Mount gives us instructions on how to be happy. Blessed - in Latin also "happy" - are those who are open people, who remain connected to Jesus and allow themselves to be affected. That is the way to be happy, to "be blessed". But it cannot be achieved without the price of making oneself vulnerable and being willing to give up control. Hear more about the instructions for happiness here in Bishop Stefan Oster's sermon on All Saints Day 2024. Camera and editing: Susanne Schmidt For more content click here: https://stefan-oster.de/ / bischofstefanoster / bischofstefanoster #allerheiligen #glück #glücklichsein #predigtbischofoster #jesus #jesuschristus #katholisch #katholischekirche #bischofstefanoster #bistumpassau