Synopsis: InFamous: Second Son is set in Seattle in the year 2029, seven years after the events of inFamous 2. The story follows Delsin Rowe, a rebellious young Native American tribesman living in Portland who finds himself drawn into the center of a conflict involving conduits and the United States government. After an incident involving a conduit (a person with special abilities), Delsin discovers that he possesses an extraordinary power, inherited from another conduit: the ability to absorb and control the powers of other conduits. This power makes him an extremely valuable and dangerous person in the eyes of the government, which already maintains strict control over the conduits through the DUK (Department of Unified Protection), a paramilitary agency that hunts and imprisons anyone with special abilities. Delsin's mission unfolds as he tries to free his friends and family, who are captured by the DUP during their search for answers about the conduits and their abilities. He also begins to explore his own powers, facing powerful figures including the Militia, a group of DUP agents, and Augustine, the main antagonist, a stone-powered conduit who has her own agenda of controlling and suppressing the conduits. Release date: March 21, 2014. Platform: PS4.