[This video was produced with the support of Samsung Electronics] Dongwook-hyung's first product in the item exchange is the latest Galaxy A23!?! Will Youngsik-hyung be able to get the Galaxy A23, an LTE phone with the best cost-effective performance..?! You idiots who want the Galaxy A23!! Raise your hands!!! You idiots who love and cheer for Superman~!!! Thank you always!! I'll work harder to be a Superman who does stupid things, so cheer for me guys!! Superman's super stupid things videos are uploaded every Thursday at 4:30 PM! and on Saturdays at 1 PM!! Please look forward to it and show lots of interest!! Superman TikTok is here! Come visit~https://vt.tiktok.com/DhQCuj/ Then see you in the next stupid thing!! Bye~~ #GalaxyA23 #SamsungSmartphone #SamsungElectronics #Galaxy #A23 #ItemExchange #Dongwook-hyung by BGM Factory https://bgmfactory.com/