She worked as a flight attendant for the most prestigious airline for five years. In her latest interview, Zuzana revealed to us what a lucrative job means and what life is like for a European woman in Dubai. The pandemic also affected Emirates, which resulted in the dismissal of employees, including Zuzana. She claims that her dismissal was not only caused by the corona crisis, but there were other reasons behind it. "A flight attendant is not a profession for the weak." Zuzana claims that this job made her more confident and open. You can find out why she loves the job, but also what pitfalls she experienced in this profession in the latest episode of ZmUPováné with Sima Ondrušková. #Stewardess #Zmupovane #Emirates Moderated by Sima Ondrušková / simonaondruskova Zuzu / zuzulicious This interview is brought to you by Uletené Anásy directly from Africa, which you can buy at http://ananas.wtf 00:00 Firing from Emirates 10:47 Women in Dubai 16:37 Emirates and personal life 27:20 Negatives and positives of the job of a stewardess 33:23 Best destinations 36:04 Changes after September 11 in flying 38:02 Unpleasant experiences 41:23 Cockpit ???? Thanks for subscribing! ???? Read our website: https://www.startitup.sk ???? Follow our Instagram: / startitup_sk ⌨️ And like Facebook: / startitupcommunity ???? If you have suggestions for collaborations or tips for videos: [email protected] ▶️ Startitup - We do it differently