The edition of the show Eu pot!, broadcast on Saturday, December 16, at 7:00, on #TVR1, when Anca Mazilu gave us a meeting with Prof. Univ. Dr. Lavinia Barlogeanu. Quarrels with in-laws are the ALARM SIGNAL that you have a problem in your COUPLE. When your MOTHER-IN-LAW gets angry at you, in fact, you do not accept parts of your partner, who unconsciously imitates some of her behaviors and, because you do not want a quarrel in the house, you focus all your nerves outside, that is, on your mother-in-law. Or father-in-law, as the case may be. So SIMPLY explained Prof. Univ. Dr. Lavinia Barlogeanu QUARRELS in the family, at holiday dinners, but also other tormented relationships that we have with ourselves, but also with others. An exceptional guest, who urges introspection, working with one's own EMOTIONAL WOUNDS in therapy, bringing hope that we have a chance at CIVILIZED RELATIONSHIPS, even in the most difficult families. The editions of the show are online https://bit.ly/EuPotTVR1 / fantvr1 / tvr1.ro http://www.tvr.ro http://www.tvrplus.ro / tvrcananaluloficial All intellectual property rights belong to #TVR. The content cannot be copied, uploaded to any online media channel or social networks without TVR's consent, but we thank you if you share our link. TVR is a registered trademark and is protected.