Why are my statements different from those of Sjard Roscher when it comes to muscle growth? If everyone is talking about how the scientific evidence is in favor of long breaks, then I shouldn't be celebrating supersets and short breaks, should I? Today I'll explain why I see it differently and why you can really celebrate success if you use it in your training. 00:36 - This is what you'll learn about hypertrophy training today 02:19 - The most crucial point for hypertrophy - what's behind it 03:18 - Muscle failure - this is how much you have to train to 04:48 - The optimal repetition range for muscle growth 08:58 - So many people overlook this point - and miss out on gains 10:35 - Optimal tempo for hypertrophy training 12:49 - I'm saying something different here!? 15:34 - Rest times - now it's getting serious 16:54 - Two factors of recovery 18:46 - How do you achieve OPTIMAL rest times? 21:22 - Supersets and my rest times 22:21 - Cardio for everyone?? 23:19 - Structure is needed here again - squats in supersets? 26:02 - Functional exercises and the hypertrophy problem 27:12 - Good supersets vs bad supersets 29:38 - Studies say it works? 31:47 - Getting fit with supersets vs getting fit with supersets 32:57 - Getting more training - YOUR reality 34:45 - The ERROR in the OPTIMIZATION thought 37:43 - Hypertrophy for hybrid athletes! 40:23 - Being able to do more volume vs. having to 41:26 - Two bonus tips! 45:46 - The conclusion: short breaks, yes or no? 47:08 - HERE should be your focus 48:27 - Why I don't cite any studies (even though I have them) 50:29 - There will be more information and input here in the future NOW to make you a better athlete or coach: https://sebastiankaindl.substack.com/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ????Are you looking for the best program for everyday athletes? https://www.kaindl-athletic-system.co... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ????TAKE YOUR TRAINING PLANNING TO THE NEXT LEVEL: https://www.kaindl-athletic-system.co... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ????Your options to work with us: https://www.kaindl-athletic-system.com ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ????KAS on Instagram @kaindlathleticsystem