(Aired 18/11/2021) Drop fishing in the Genkai Sea, Munakata City, Fukuoka Prefecture. Using a sabiki rig, sardines are cast and then dropped into the swimming layer of larger fish. This fishing method makes use of the ocean's food chain. The anglers are sea fishing specialist Takahashi Tetsuya and TV personality Fukushima Wakana. Last time, Fukushima had trouble reeling in the line quickly. Will she be able to overcome this this time? Takahashi steadily catches yellowtail, amberjack, and red sea bream. Not to be outdone, Fukushima also catches a rare red sea bream. This game lets you enjoy the powerful pull of a fish and is exciting! ▼Click "See more" to check the tackle information used in the program! ▼Takahashi Tetsuya Tackle used [Rod] Beast Master Drop-in H230 (https://fish.shimano.com/ja-JP/produc...) [Reel] Beast Master 3000EJ (https://fish.shimano.com/ja-JP/produc...) [Line] Tanatol 8 No. 6 (https://fish.shimano.com/ja-JP/produc...) ▼Fukushima Wakana Tackle used [Rod] Beast Master Drop-in MH235 (https://fish.shimano.com/ja-JP/produc...) [Reel] Beast Master 3000EJ (https://fish.shimano.com/ja-JP/produc...) [Line] Tanatol 8 No. 6 (https://fish.shimano.com/ja-JP/produc...) ▼Takahashi Tetsuya Clothing used [Rain] Rain Gear Jacket 01 RA-01JU (https://fish.shimano.com/ja-JP/produc...) [Pants] Rain Gear Pants 01 RA-01PU (https://fish.shimano.com/ja-JP/produc...) [Gloves] Waterproof Gloves GL-085U (https://fish.shimano.com/ja-JP/produc...) [Life Jacket] Raft Air Jacket (Compact Type, Inflatable Life Jacket) VF-053U (https://fish.shimano.com/ja-JP/produc...) ▼Clothing worn by Wakana Fukushima [Rain] DS Basic Suit RA-027Q (https://fish.shimano.com/ja-JP/produc...) [Jacket] Gore-Tex Infinium Optimal Jacket WJ-090U (https://fish.shimano.com/ja-JP/produc...) [Hat] Gore-Tex Basic Rain Cap CA-010S (https://fish.shimano.com/ja-JP/produc...) [Gloves] 3D Advanced Gloves 5 GL-022S (https://fish.shimano.com/ja-JP/produc...) [Life Jacket] Raft Air Jacket (compact type, inflatable life jacket) VF-053U (https://fish.shimano.com/ja-JP/produc...) [Shoes] EVAIR Marine Fishing Shoes FS-091I (https://fish.shimano.com/ja-JP/produc...)