Ai Tanaka, a pro who is familiar to viewers of the show, set sail from Nagahama in the center of Fukuoka City to catch red sea bream in the Genkai Sea. Despite the expected harsh fishing conditions in the middle of winter, she accurately analyzed the situation and closed the distance to the red sea bream that had fallen into the deep sea. While explaining how to operate the tairaba when the fish are less active, and how the bite occurs depending on the position of the tairaba when drifting with the boat, she caught red sea bream over 70 cm, as well as 50-60 cm red sea bream, blue grouper, and amberjack. [Jackall Tairaba product page] https://www.jackall.co.jp/saltwater/p... [Binbin Stick VCM product page] https://www.jackall.co.jp/saltwater/p...