Vera F. Birkenbihl uses many examples to show how we are controlled by the 99.xx% of the unconscious and then try to rationally explain our behavior using the 0.xx%... Join the group / 471340136985429 Vera F. Birkenbihl Best of Birkenbihl https://amzn.to/3sN9Isl * Free Birkenbihl worksheets https://LernenDerZukunft.com/bonus It is not only through research into the power of the unconscious by Tor Norretranders, Gerd Gigerenzer, etc... that we know about these influences, but to this day it seems that it has not yet reached the population. However, this would be essential for success, especially in business and service. More on the topics at https://LernenDerZukunft.com The other parts of the Business Service Seminar • Playlist *partnerlink #manipulation #birkenbihl #influence