Alcohol treatment centre in Valencia. Alcohol – no other substance in the world is so familiar to us and its effects so incredibly diverse. It can be obtained anywhere and its tiny molecule can affect the 200 billion neurons in the human brain in completely different ways. But hardly anyone describes alcohol as a drug despite its psychoactive effects. But why do we let three million people die every year in connection with alcohol consumption? Have we turned a blind eye to the dangers and risks for millennia? What role does the powerful alcohol industry, with an annual turnover of 1.2 trillion euros, play in this constant cover-up? Grimme Prize-winning director Andreas Pichler seeks answers to the questions of why we drink, what alcohol does to us and how much the industry influences society and politics. Why is it so hard for us to stop drinking? Pichler travels around the world from Germany to Nigeria via England to uncover the most aggressive business practices of the global alcohol industry, which seeks growth in new markets by all means. And he will also visit Iceland, which has achieved a U-turn. Where hordes of drunks roamed the streets 20 years ago, today young people have mastered the need to relax and get high on a life without alcohol. Without being moralistic or overly critical, the film will have a lasting effect on the drinking habits of all who see it. Alcohol, the magic potion. #centroalcoholvalencia #alcoholic #alcoholism