Links to the episode: My new book “Back to Me: A Healing Encounter”: https://lauraseiler.com/zurueck-zu-mi... The Higher Self App - Your spiritual buddy for your pocket: https://higherselfapp.com/?utm_source... The Higher Self Home® - Your home for personal and spiritual growth: https://lauraseiler.com/higher-self-h... ******************************** I am so grateful that spirituality and personal development are now moving more and more into the center of our society and more and more people are starting to ask themselves the questions: What is my true essence? Where do I come from? Why am I really here and what is my mission on this earth? Because I believe that we need exactly this awareness to make the world a better, more positive place, full of love and compassion. That is exactly what I talk about with my interview guest today in the new podcast episode: Maxim Mankevich. Maxim is a speaker, coach, trainer and host of the podcast “The Minds of Geniuses”. He is an expert in success knowledge and combines the wisdom of the smartest minds of all time into concepts that also work today to positively change your own future. In the interview we talk about his recently published book "Soul Master", on which he worked for 20 years, and about what he learned about himself and life in all that time and while writing the book. Maxim shares super inspiring insights into how spiritual the smartest people and masters were hundreds of years ago and why we can reconnect more with our soul. Have fun with this interview! In conversation with Maxim Mankevich you will find out... ✨ what many famous and very successful people have in common, ✨ how you can start to hear the voice of your soul again, ✨ what your soul plan could be, ✨ whether there is such a thing as a soul mate and how you can find him/her and ✨ why everyone should learn about personal development, spirituality and consciousness. I really hope that this episode inspires you to connect with your soul and recognize what you are here for. What was your most valuable insight? What do you think your soul plan is? I look forward to your insights and thoughts on the episode. Feel free to comment on Instagram @lauramalinaseiler or on the blog. Links to the episode: Website: https://maximmankevich.com/ Youtube: / @maximmankevich Podcast Köpfe der Genies: https://link.chtbl.com/dkdg Book “Soul Master”: https://amzn.to/35h6jLr I look forward to seeing you! Rock on & Namasté Your Laura ******************************** Laura Malina Seiler LOVE. GROW. CONNECT. #1 podcast on iTunes A new episode every Wednesday happy, holy & confident® For daily inspiration: ✨ Instagram: / lauramalinaseiler ✨ Facebook: / lauraseilercoaching ✨ LinkedIn: / laura-malina-seiler-971919a9 ✨ Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.de/lauramalinas... ✨ Blog: https://lauraseiler.com/?utm_source=p...