Last video in our series about Raffles and today we bring you the complete step-by-step guide on how to do a Legalized Raffle! This video is to end with an apology, because it IS possible to do it. The process is a bit long, but follow the video carefully and you will succeed. LINKS USED: https://www.gov.br/pt-br/servicos/obt... https://scpc.seae.fazenda.gov.br/scpc... ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Follow our online Services, every Friday at 7:30 pm here on YouTube! ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Get to know our Online School: -https://montebasemissionaria.kpages.o... Participate in our Intensive Schools: Summer: https://montebasemissionaria.kpages.o... and Winter: https://montebasemissionaria.kpages.o... ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Do you want to train and qualify with us? Let's send a message to learn about our trainings: https://forms.gle/WwcmBMbQAvSw9YRr7 ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Be part of the mission, becoming a Financial or Food Supporter Get in touch here: https://wa.link/kyzucl Access our form to learn more: https://forms.gle/P4NbzvNs11mR5ksM6 Do you want to offer financially? ???? Our PIX: 35.600.759/0001-90 MONTE BASE MISSIONÁRIA CNPJ 35.600.759/0001-90 197 - Stone Pagamentos AGENCY 0001 CURRENT ACCOUNT 231223-9 ____________________________________________________________________________________________ OUR MANIFESTOS: Regret - https://bit.ly/2RrZ3oZ Easter - https://bit.ly/3oqhnuP April Fools' Day - bit.ly/3ctW8Dp ____________________________________________________________________________________________ OUR EBOOKS: We currently have 3 ebooks, designed to help you on specific topics, with super easy and clear language. Girl Woman - https://hotm.art/JUqfgVR How to deal with Anxiety - https://hotm.art/COFPRGoL How to deal with Depression - https://hotm.art/QDJhZyX ____________________________________________________________________________________________ OUR SOCIAL NETWORKS: Facebook - / canaldomonte Instagram - / canaldomonte Website - http://montebasemissionaria.com.br Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/user/s0cnvpc... ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Join our group for notifications and donations on WhatsApp: ???? https://chat.whatsapp.com/8mfHQaGgLPl... We want to know more about you! Fill out the form???? ????Form: https://goo.gl/forms/BkadUuIJevqy1n422 Download the Bible app here - https://www.bible.com/app ____________________________________________________________________________________________ PARTNER CHANNELS: / crisribeirotv / adryanphillipe