✅???? COMPLETE Social Media Arts Course: https://lojaphotoshop.com.br/curso-de... ✅???? Editing and Manipulation Course: https://lojaphotoshop.com.br/curso-mo... ???? Find out which is the best computer for you to work with Photoshop: https://razorcomputadores.com.br/work... Let's go to the creation of another social media design in Photoshop, this time with the coffee shop theme. Remember that you can watch, learn the techniques and apply them to posts on any theme. Don't limit yourself to just the coffee cup example. With some graphic organization tips, and another on editing and manipulation in Photoshop, we can create the perfect post for Instagram, Facebook, and other social networks. ???? Images used in class: Cup of coffee: https://www.imagensempng.com.br/xicar... Coffee beans: https://www.imagensempng.com.br/graos... Wooden table: https://www.imagensempng.com.br/mesa-... Smoke: https://www.imagensempng.com.br/fumac... The paid image bank I use is Envato Elements, and you can subscribe here: https://1.envato.market/c/421627/6283... We have more social media tutorials here on the channel, check out the main ones: ???????? How to create Art for Social Media Delivery in Photoshop: • How to create Art for Social Media Del... ???????? Art for Barber Shop Social Media in Photoshop: • How to create Social Media Design in Pho... ???????? Social Media promoting a Tweet in Photoshop: • Social Media promoting a Tweet in P... ???????? Social Media Arts Course in Photoshop (with Certificate): • Social Media Arts Course in... Want more videos like this? Leave your suggestions in the comments, they are very important. ✅ Secure your spot in the COMPLETE Courses at the Photoshop Store: https://lojaphotoshop.com.br/ ???? Need to buy a computer to do your editing? Find out which one is mine: https://razorcomputadores.com.br/work... Video link: • How to create Social Media Design in Pho...