Why did the customer leave a 1-star Google review even though the project was executed with high quality? What should be done so that the customer leaves a five-star review instead? When and how should you ask for customer feedback? In this RaksaNext webinar, we will go over what ultimately determines whether the customer is satisfied and how satisfaction is worthwhile and can be measured. With these tips, you will significantly improve customer satisfaction and turn your customers into referrals instead of dissatisfaction. In the webinar, we go through e.g. the following topics: ✅ What concrete issues will determine the customer experience in the construction industry in 2025? ✅ Examples of a working practical process for customer experience management ✅ Why is it important to understand the difference between customer experience and customer satisfaction? ✅ 3 different levels of customer experience - where does a 5-star customer experience come from? ✅ DEMO: Trustmary-Easoft integration