The biggest problem you face while studying is studying the subject only once. It is difficult to understand and know all the ins and outs of the subject in one study. The reason is that the first time you study has a positive and a negative side. The positive side is that you soften the information and make it easier for your mind the second time you study. As for the negative side, if you do not go back to this information again, you will forget it completely as if you had never studied it at all. The solution is to follow the smart method that we explain in this video. This method is not for a student who has an exam tomorrow and wants to memorize the entire material. It is not for someone who takes a break every quarter of an hour and opens Facebook or WhatsApp and wastes his time. This method is basically based on rationality, fatigue and effort. This method is directed to serious students who want to study seriously and have a sincere intention to study and succeed, but sometimes they face difficulty and problems in understanding or memorizing the information. God willing, I promise you that if you implement the two words that I will say now and focus on the information provided in the video; all your study problems will be solved, God willing, and studying will be the easiest thing in the world for you.... Enjoy watching and you can communicate with me on Facebook through my personal page from this link / ebrahemnemar and for financial support via Patreon to develop the channel from here / kammelady