This ZDF Magazin Royale broadcast is also available in sign language: https://zdfmagaz.in/MediathekGebaerde... When it comes to inclusion, Germany is as exemplary as the FDP is when it comes to crisis communication. Whether at school, at work or on public transport - people with disabilities are often confronted with barriers and are therefore discriminated against. They cannot take part in things that are taken for granted. In addition, institutions such as special schools and workshops often contribute further to the exclusion of people with disabilities. Often, real inclusion in the most diverse areas of life is not even desired. You can find out more about inclusion on a joint website of ZDF Magazin Royale and @andererseits . https://www.andererseits.org/inklusion More information: Arbeitsagentur.de: 39 percent of employers fully comply with their obligation to employ severely disabled people https://zdfmagaz.in/ArbeitsagenturArb... Sueddeutsche.de: Why the business of workshops for the disabled is controversial https://zdfmagaz.in/SueddeutscheBehin... Tagesschau.de: Why women with disabilities are particularly at risk https://zdfmagaz.in/TagesschauGewalt Merkur.de: New study shows: One in five German train stations is not barrier-free https://zdfmagaz.in/MerkurBahnhoefeBa... Faz.de: The lack of barrier-free apartments is glaring https://zdfmagaz.in/FazBarriereWohnungen Soziales.Hessen.de: Leipzig Declaration; the Conference of the Federal and State Commissioners for People with Disabilities https://zdfmagaz.in/SozialesHessenBeh... Ndr.de: Inclusion: Too few companies employ severely disabled people https://zdfmagaz.in/NdrInklusionFirmen Tagesschau.de: Are workshops for the disabled fair? https://zdfmagaz.in/TagesschauBehinde... Tagesschau.de: Still too many barriers https://zdfmagaz.in/TagesschauBarrieren The ZDF Magazin Royale - every Friday from 8 p.m. on https://zdfmagaz.in/mediathek and at 11 p.m. on ZDF. Giphy: https://zdfmagaz.in/giphy Instagram: https://zdfmagaz.in/insta Mastodon: https://zdfmagaz.in/mastodon Bluesky: https://zdfmagaz.in/bsky Threads: https://zdfmagaz.in/threads