Hello. Today, I brought you [Siddhartha], a masterpiece of wisdom and ideas by Hermann Hesse, the most widely read German author of the 20th century. Published in 1922, this novel is the story of a seeker who continuously practices to explore his inner self and realize his self, and is an eternal classic of humanity that condenses Hermann Hesse's enlightenment and ideas across the East and the West. Hesse experienced a creative crisis while writing this work, and after about a year of self-experience and several weeks of psychotherapy, he was finally able to complete the work. Meet [Siddhartha], the path to your inner self depicted by Hermann Hesse, a spiritual master who encompasses the East and the West, at Actress's Bookstore today!!! Hello. Today, I brought you [Siddhartha], a masterpiece of wisdom and ideas by Hermann Hesse, the most widely read German author of the 20th century. This novel, published in 1922 It's a story of an architect who constantly performs to explore the inside and realize the self, and it's the eternal classic of mankind, where Hermann Hesse's enlightenment and thoughts are concentrated across the East and the West. Hesse went through a creative crisis while writing this work, and after a year of self-experience and weeks of psychotherapy, he was finally able to complete it. Herman Hesse, a spiritual teacher who encompasses the East and the West, portrays the path to his inner self, Meet [Siddhartha] at the actress' bookstore today!!! #dalseño #asmr #audiobook